Filtered Events: TEDxSydney 2016 in under 5 minutes

Welcome to the Filtered Events series, a place where we curate all the latest and greatest trends, insights and innovations from industry events. This week we’re proud to bring you the lo-down from TEDxSydney 2016.As the leading platform for the propagation of Australian ideas, creativity and innovation to the rest of the world, TEDx recently lit up the Sydney's Opera House. An ideas festival through and through, the 7th annual TEDxSydney event explored the future of technology, global workplace culture and working environments, with some inspiring storytelling thrown in for good measure.Tapping into the day's theme of 'together', Intel and the Sydney Opera House joined forces to kick off the day's proceedings, airing a short video that told the story of a robot's first day of work as an Opera House usher. It showed the 58-centimetre tall robot dealing with human staff, checking out other robots in the building and coping with the difficulties of having an expressionless face, painting a bigger picture of how robots and humans could potentially work together in the coming decades.Take a look for yourself..., in case you missed the rest of the day, here's a collection of our key takeaways from TEDxSydney 2016:On the future of the workplace: the future of the workforce: the future of technology: the future of storytelling: did you enjoy most about TEDxSydney 2016? Share your ideas in the comments section below... 


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